Wednesday, August 19, 2009

School starting and TEOTWAWKI

A brilliant guy that I follow religiously. Belmont Club got me to thinking about the Pacific theater in WWII. I know very dangerous. But I am reading Alas, Babylon again and it occurred to me to research just how long it was before the Japanese civilization returned to normal after we fire bombed them for six months and then dropped two nucular ( I say it that way because it tweaks leftist tweets) bombs on them. So off into the intertoobs I went. This movie: Tale of two cities shows the devastation and Yuichiro Sasaki Photos go into the details and his pictures are pretty good if I may say so.

As it turns out it wasn't more than two years before industry and trade had returned in strength. It did take a good bit longer before residential and culture returned. But it wasn't any where near the seventy five years that was prognosticated by the boffins and eggheads. This isn't to say that I would welcome such a thing on American soil or even believe that we should cultivate a tolerance of such a thing.

I will say this though. Americans being what they are and though you almost never see them in public protesting some transgression of the bliss ninnies and Statists. Mostly due to the fact that they have jobs, families, and a life to live and a fervent wish to just be left alone. There exists a large enough population in this country today to recover from such a devastation in less than five years. We witnessed a glimpse of it on 9/12. Just a flash mind you but the genetics run deep in Americans.

So yes, I prep and I teach to those who will listen. And I foster community whenever I can. Because I believe down deep that when IT happens. It won't be how much you got put back or how many bullets you have or how deep your bunker is dug in. What will matter is who you trust and more importantly who trusts you.

So I am off to the aaaaaaaaaaaak Mall with Goob and Peanut, also known as Team Legume to procure some insanely expensive accessories. And this was all enabled by some amazing men and women who gave their lives and labor so that I can have the pleasure of seeing my children grow up.

Like my Granny said to me when I was little. We aint perfect, but we are blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Walt, thanks for the notice on not being able to post to the comments and about the Amsterdam connection.
